Tuesday, 31 December 2013

028: 14 Things to Change in 2014

I can't believe that 2014 is upon us already. I am never ready for the new year to roll in - it takes me eight months or so to get used to any new year, and then it just swaps, just like that.

This year in particular, the change from December to January has been hard because although I plan for the coming year to be better than the last, I know that it is going to be difficult. 2013 was easily the best year I ever had. 2013 was the year of travel, the year of exploration and growth. To think that this time last year, Katie was a timid little Aussie girl who could barely hold a conversation with a stranger let alone live with a bunch of them on the other side of the world. I love that I have changed, but I know that there is always room for something else to change.

Rather than creating a whole new list of thing I want to do, I though I might just take the opportunity to my list of things to do from last year.

Now added the list of things Katie must do when she gets a free moment include

      92. Buy Organic - feel the difference
      93. Create the perfect Study
      94. New House, New Adventure
      95. The Perfect pair of shorts
      96. Plan (and go on if possible) exchange meet up
      97. Complete 50/50 challenge
      98. Buy a New Laptop
      99. Make a Difference
     100. Look after me
     101. Weekly visit to Grandparents
     102. Keep on top of uni work
     103. Renew Passport (with good reason)
     104. Start reviewing books
     105. Wash car
     106. Accept that I will only get 10% of this list finished

There, more goals, lets see what 2014 has in store for me this year.

  Kathleen x

Saturday, 28 December 2013

027: The Many Tears Shed Thanks to John Green

My little sister was given a book for Christmas. She read it in the back seat of my car as we drove to Christmas lunch. By the time we arrived at my grandparents, she was balling her eyes out.

I did what any compassionate and caring older sister would do. I stole the book off her.

That evening, I was crying too.

We read John Greens "The Fault In Our Stars" and he deserved every tear shed.

Following the relationship of Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Walters, two cancer patients, Green creates a love story that made me laugh, cry but also think.

I had not previously read anything by Green and was sorely disappointed that I was unable to fall in love with his writing when I was a teenager, sadly, he will have to have my love as a young adult. I am very picky when it comes to giving affection to writers as I often find more faults than virtues, but Green writing was near perfect - aside from taking a while to adapt to a female narrators voice, but I am willing to over look this as the single fault. His writing is smart and quite literary but it was the right combination of laughs and tears. I highly, highly recommend his writing, although I know I am not the only one.

  Kathleen x

Thursday, 19 December 2013

026: I don't want to be a Grinch

I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Christmas is just upon us and the world is going crazy.

For the third year in a row, I have had the unfortunate position of working in retail over Christmas. Which means that I get to witness the absolute worst of the Christmas season. People running madly around shopping centres, stalking out car parks, wresting over the perfect gift and the absolute rudeness that the season seems to encourage.

Christmas shopping becomes such a chore that basic manner are thrown out the window. Snapping at strangers and unreasonable demands become commonplace across December, and I find it disgusting.Too many times I have taken refuge in the staff room for a brief second to ensure that the rudeness of my customers doesn't rub off on me. Thankfully I work with a wonderful team, and mostly we can laugh it off and if not, have someone to whine to.

I love Christmas. I have my tree up every year on December first and enjoy the thrill of finding someone the perfect gift. I love having the day when I get to see my entire family, seated around the same table sharing food and remembering the reasons why we celebrate. Hopefully by next Christmas that can be my sole purpose for celebrating, and not just rejoicing that I have the day off.

  Kathleen x