Monday, 20 January 2014

031: So, something I don't like thinking about.

It really awful (depending on your answer) but... remember what you were doing this time last year?

I do. I was getting off a plane into the blizzardy London streets, with my recently broken suitcase in hand and had never been more excited in my life.

Its strange to think that so little time has passed, and yet so much has happened and so much has changed. Those six short months changed almost every aspect of my person, my attitude and my perception of the world. I was able to cram so much experience and life into my time over seas that I can't imagine doing half as much in this year. And yet, I know it is possible, because I have done it.

Some days, just going back over the memories can be painful, sometimes I laugh until I cry and then laugh again. Sometimes doing a simple day to day activity - like tipping a waiter will make me remember the time my house mates filled out a paper pick up for me to give to the waiter in London. Or when I went down the wrong corridor and tried to get into someone elses room. Little things that remind me that my time in England was the best in my life. And I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

  Kathleen x

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

030: "Heaven's Got a Plan for You"

 Today was a good day.

It started with coffee, and every good day begins with coffee. I then had the pleasure of going to inspect a new house. I hadn't really thought about moving, I was in love with my little uni that has been my sanctuary for the past three years  But when my housemate mentioned she was going to move in with some friends, and wondered if I wanted to come,I jumped on the opportunity. I've lived with a group before - and now that I've seen the beautiful house, I have a feeling that it is not going to be so hard.

On the drive home, my happy song was playing.

Then I went for coffee with a boy. (I know - this is strange) I did freak out for almost an hour before hand, changed clothes about twelve times and had to constantly reassure myself that he was going to murder me.

But I met him, (he didn't murder me, yay) and we had a very civilised coffee (it also included lunch, I had a pie and he had eggs) and we spoke of a shared affection for Disney movies and it was surprisingly not awkward. When we parted ways, he said we should do it all again some time.

On the drive home, my happy song was playing.

Today was a good day.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

029: Wanna hear a secret...?

I bet you do. And its a good one.

        I hope.

In a rather rash decision to avoid the lull left by my house mate, who abandoned me to go feed turtles in Costa Rica, I joined an online dating site. So much panic! After an evening scrolling through possible matches I finally started up a conversation with a few curious menfolk. And apparently, this big bad world of dating might not be so scary after all.

(although let me get back to you after a couple of dates)

  Kathleen x