Monday, 19 August 2013

007: Candlelit Dinner (for one)

My housemate has gone out for the night, leaving me in our little flat. I love there moments when I'm by myself, when there is no one to impress no one that cares. I made myself a tasty little dinner. Lit a candle or two and dusted off a bottle of wine that I'd been hiding in the cupboard for a "special occasion" and settled in for a night in.

I've been having a rather strange week and as a result, having had a serious lack of Katie-Time. I'm still 'in between jobs' and living rather desperately for each coming pay day. (and with unstable jobs come unstable pay, so they are often few and far between). Every second day is another job interview or another trail shift, each time having to be just as bubbly and employable as the time before. But I'm not phased by this (much to my mothers dismay who continues to ask if I'm eating regularly) I'm looking for the good job and that even harder than finding a regular job. And it's out there, waiting, I just have to find it. 

Also, have been seeing more of my family, introduced to a baby cousin (or second cousin, what do you call the child of your cousin?) and saw my Grandparents for the first time since returning to the country. And have been able to sit down to tea with most of my close friends to brief them on the absurd change that occurred while I was away. And what with uni starting back and the homework already beginning to pile up, a night when I am fully obliged to do nothing is more than reasonable. 

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