Thursday, 17 October 2013

019: Fat Pants

Today, I have been pondering the importance of Fat Pants.

I believe that every person - or at the very least every woman, should own a two pairs of fat pants.
Fat pants are quite possibly the greatest invention ever, although no-one actually invented them, we as a society decided that they were necessary. And I therefore love society.

I know, I at least, have two pairs of fat pants. firstly came the comfy pants - the tracksuit or pyjama bottoms. Pants that have perfectly adjusted to your body, fluffy in all the right places, completely unflattering and may have an inappropriate hole or two. These are the pants that only your closest friends are allowed to see, because when you wear your fat pants, your in a special place that can only be witnessed by a few. These are the pants that endure three seasons of Supernatural in one day and help you devour an entire frozen cheesecake. These are the pants that love you no matter what.

And then there are the other fat pants, your baggy pyjamas cousin who lingers in the back of your underwear drawer. Pushed away behind the lace and the cute pattens, are the granny panties, the body shapers and the curve enhancers. These are a special kind of Fat Pants and only to be brought out in special occasion when you are wearing a dress that may decide to reveal your true figure. And only for occasions when you are absolutely certain you not going to pull. We'v,e all seen Bridget Jones Diary - its always awkward. But boy do they make your arse look good.

These are my two favourite items in my wardrobe, but two that should never see the light of day.

  Kathleen x

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