Monday, 15 September 2014

048: Writing Tips I think I'll share

In my little attempt at procrastinating today, I decided to set down in stone (or a word.doc) the rule that I stand by with my writing. And when finished (and needing to waste a little more time) have decided to share it with you all.
1.       Write and write every day. This should be a no brainer: you can’t call yourself a writer is you are sitting around drinking coffee. Get into a routine and stick to it – make a star chart if that helps, but make sure you write something. I try to keep a journal, but it doesn’t always work – I have about three on the go at the moment – and use it to jot down anything that you think deserves to be formulated into words. Write out conversations you overhear, scenarios you think up, or even just a re-cap of what you did that day. Write it all out.   
2.       Read – Widely and Critically. Reading has got to be the best way to improve your own writing. You can see how others handle the craft, their word choice and how they handle the hard stuff. But then, when you have finished reading, take the time to think about how and why it worked (or didn’t) and then apply it to your own writing.
3.       Don’t let the Editor write and don’t let the Writer edit. I find that my editor and my writer live in different parts of my brain and although I need them both, I don’t need them all the time. Allow yourself to be both at different times. It will save yourself a lot of internal conflict.
4.       Finish What you Start – even if it’s a recount of your day or an elaborate shopping list. Learn the art of a complete story; don’t leave your readers hanging or get too comfortable with the incomplete.
5.       Create Writing Time and Space – Virginia Woolf famously said that a writer needs a room of one’s own. I’m going to expand on that and say you also need an hour or five.  Don’t let anything or anyone interrupt that time when you are in your writing zone, Barr the door and brew some tea (or wine, whatever it is you need) and just write.
6.       Learn When It Is Time To Do Something Else – When your hit a road block that starts to hurt your head, do something else. Getting up and shifting perspective makes for a more productive writing session next time and will hopefully stop you before you bash your head onto the desk.
7.       Don’t Be Afraid To Talk About Your Writing. If you can’t talk about your writing, how do you expect to write about it? Have someone you trust read over it, (or a complete stranger, whatever you are more comfortable with) make yourselves a pot of tea and talk about it. Getting the perspective from a reader is invaluable for a writer and two brains are almost always better than one when you are trying to get over a tricky road block.
8.       A Book Is Not A Baby – Learn To Take Criticism Well! If you feel the need to defend everything you have ever written, you will never be able to let your writing grow and evolve into something much better. I struggle with this a lot and still very far from mastering it, but it one of the memos I have posted in the hope it sinks in soon.
9.       Read What You Write Aloud – If it doesn’t sound right, it might not be. Or better yet, get someone else to read it aloud – if they aren’t reading it with the same tone or expression you intended, you might need to re-write.
10.    Enjoy The Art Of Rewriting – and re-rewriting and re-re-rewriting. You writing can always get better, and if not, you did save your previous draft – right?  
So, what do you think? Which ones do you struggle with the most – which ones are the easiest and how to you manage to overcome it all?

I would love to hear, x Katie 

Monday, 1 September 2014

047: Simply Blooming

I love Spring - it's my favourite season and for me (and everyone else in the Southern hemisphere) today marks the first day of this glorious season. The suddenly blue sky pulled me out of the house and into my garden; I garden I haven't yet had the chance to explore. And there I discovered that I have a flowering garden.

I think that gardens that come with rental properties are often like a gift with purchase, because we take then, because, well, presents, but then you realise that you don't actually need another hand cream or a ridiculously small shampoo. At the last few rental properties, the 'garden' has consisted of a slab of concrete around a wonky clothes line. My last place actually had some mint growing, but it was almost consumed by weeds and bugs.

When we moved in - during a very bleak winter - we didn't venture out into the garden all that much. But today, with the first reminder of what summer is like, the garden called me out.
The touch of colour is already creeping across the greenery and much to my surprise, downy white flowers are beginning to bloom on the tree outside my room. 

Displaying photo.JPG 

Blossoms have always held a special place in my heart - from the blooming, but unproductive apple tree in mum's veggie patch to the trees that lined an otherwise very ugly street. But the most memorable were the blossoms outside my room while I was living in England. Two magnificent blossom trees that sat on the lawn between five university houses, that so clearly told us what time of year it was.   

To me, blossoms have become a part of my home - the airy sent that consumes everything, the soft and felling beauty of nature. So bring on Spring I say, bring back summer dresses and flowers and picnics and berries. Someone, send me the sun. 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

046: One Week Of Baby Steps

A week ago I wrote about my not so drastic attempt to make some changes in my life and now I though I would share in the progress.

I mentioned that I wanted to change only a few little things, in the hope that I would slowly evolve into a better person. I gave myself a new habit to add in each day and see if by a week I would be able to maintain them the whole time.

My little goals for the week were:

1. Making My Bed  Every Day: - This I managed to do, almost everyday, I was quite lenient with this one - I didn't give myself a time limit to get it done and yes, there may have been a day where I straighten the sheets up just before dinner, but the bed was made! The only day I didn't do it was when I changed the sheets, and that counts for something doesn't it?

2. Showering Every Day: - The whole point of this test was the 'little steps' idea. And yes, I am pleased to tell you that I was able to shower daily, thank you very much. 

3. Get Dressed: - Ok, there have been some days when although I am showered, I have been known to slip back into my dressing gown and pot around the house in not much more. Tuesday may have been spent like this, and for this I am very ashamed. 

4. Clean Kitchen: - My sister helped me with this, a lot. Wouldn't let me leave one plate in the sink, so thankfully this one was a breeze.  

5. Write Something: And not so breeze, even with my beautiful writing room I still struggle to sit down and actually write something. But looking to improve on this one. A lot. 
6. Talk to Someone - I bent the rules with this one, and made a lot of exceptions to the rules. I included shop assistants and the guy at the petrol station but words were exchanged, so that's good! But also tried a little better to keep talking to those who I'm no longer seeing everyday - my old house mates, friends from work and old flame or two. Baby steps remember. 

7. Drink 2lts of Water every day. I can do this one almost without thinking, I have a litre bottle of water that I keep with me most of the time - whether I am at work or at home, soon enough I have gotten through two bottles and its not even lunch time. 

Each time I added new step in, the one previous became a little easier, so hopefully, with time, the idea of a social life of a writing schedule wont seem so daunting and I might get around to running up that mountain. 

xo Katie  

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

045: A Room of One's Own

I have mentioned that I have moved house a few times now, so it's probably time I wrote about my new beautiful place. I shan't write about it all, but I will give you folks on the internet a tour of my favourite room in the whole house.

This, in true Katie style is my awfully messy study. It was a condition of the house hunting that there would be a room that I could claim to be my own aside from my bedroom. The Virginia Woolf inspired room of my own. And when we found this one both me and my sister (now my new roomie) fell in love. She with the master bedroom with ensuite and walk in robe - I with the spare bedroom. 

I have, for a long time, hated having my desk in my bedroom, because it becomes a space of clutter where all the things I am supposed to be doing get piled and chaos reigns. And even though this room is still the messiest in the house (I'm claiming that it's because it is where we are keeping all the things without a home while we are moving but I'm not sure how long I can play that card for) it is my favourite. 

It is the sunniest room in the morning, which also happens to be my prime writing time. It is literally a stones throw away from my bedroom (prefect for tossing anything that doesn't belong in one to the other) and I have grand plans for making it my little writing haven in our home. 

Do you out there also have your writing spaces? Your own Ms Woolf room? Or simply a corner in a hectic life? Are they as chaotic as mine? 


Saturday, 16 August 2014

044: Habits of Change

Are you one of those people who have that have an overly optimistic voice in your head - that "Of course you will do this. You can clean the whole house, weed the garden, have those coffee dates you postponed three weeks ago and go for a run! And you will be back in time to watch the Bachelor, ready, OK!" 

Yeah, that's what my voice sound like. She is the overly talented side of Katie - the one who can do a triple somersault whilst completing her tax forms. She also has pom-poms sometimes, often which she uses to hit my subconscious when I start accidentally searching flights for cheap around the world flights, again. 

I wake up most morning deciding that I will achieve so much, and go to bed so proud because I showered.  

When I moved into my new house, last week I had decided that I was going to be making some changes. (Briefly outlined here) and I have been trying to decide the best way to go about it. 

For a while now, I have been following Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project for some time now and have been curious to start one of her 21 Day Challenges. I had a look through hers and found myself with some problems. Firstly, although there are some great selections, such as "How to De-Clutter Your House" and "Stop Yelling At Your Kids" I couldn't seem to find a "How to Be a Grown Up" listed under any of the topics. Also, you had to pay for them, and I find that sort of lunacy insulting.

So I have decided to write my own. 

And because I have decided to make both my overachieving brain and my lazy brain happy, I've made it an abridged 21 Day Challenge, so more like a seven day challenge. 

I'm not sure how Gretchen does hers, but this is how I am going to do mine. 

I learnt a few years I watched this:   

which suggests that the best way to get into a habit is to actually do the new things. (seriously, why didn't I think of that, instead of googling how to do things and writing this great long spiel about doing things, I could actually be being said things) 

I have completed one of these chains before an it almost worked (aside from the fact that it isn't any more) and very much indent to give it another go. But rather than just one habit, I'm going to build mine up - like Gretchen does (I think) starting with the little things and working up. My little things are:

1. Making My Bed Day - I actually had to stop writing this so I could dash off and make my bed. 
2. Showering Every Day - I want something I can be proud of - see above comment
3. Get Dressed! (can you see what I'm getting at here
4. Clean Kitchen 
5. Write Something 
6. Talk to Someone - this might seem super easy (almost as easy as everything else on this list) as a fairly ridiculously strong introvert, this might be the one where I struggle
7. Drink 2lts of Water every day.

These are my little goals, goals which hopefully both sides of my brain will be able to manage, and hopefully, after a week, I might be an entirely different person. Maybe. 


Thursday, 14 August 2014

043: Crying Over Ripped Stockings

My life changed a few months ago. I was sitting in my car, in a darkened multilevel car park. I had had an awful day. I had been yelled at by customers and had some harsh words from management. There was a run in my stockings and I had just been told that the guy I was seeing was also seeing someone else. I was sobbing into the steering wheel, cursing the world, hating on everything and everyone and hoping that these feeling would stop. 

It was a bit job. Something to pass the time until a better offer came around. And he was supposed to just be a fling to help me get over the last mess of a boy I had endured. The stocking were only Coles brand tights and cost a few dollars a pair not even worth the tears. 

And there I was, crying. 

In a moment of tear stained clarity, I realised that the things I had been striving for were not actually things I wanted. I had been working so hard for so long that I couldn't remember why I had wanted them in the first place. I decided in that moment that I was going to stop. 

Sniffing back the last of my tears, I drove home, flipped open my laptop and began a new search. Houses to Rent by the Beach. I sat there all night, scrolling through rental property after rental property trying to find the new home that would bring around the new Kate. 

Now, a few months on from that, I am sitting in my new house, looking out the sunning window into a flowering garden. I have not had to find a park in a multi level car park in almost three weeks, 
I have only had to wear stocking when I want to and almost happily given up interest in men. 

I find it is such a rare moment when I stop and take control of something, be it at work or in a relationship. I am so content in taking the back seat and watch the passing traffic while someone else drives and brings me to my destination, even if I don't know where it is. For the first time in a long time, I pushed the rest of the world out of the drivers seat and I took over. 

I chose the town where I was to live based on it closeness to my parents and its flowering trees on Main Street not because of the university that was in the centre of it. I chose a job that could build into a career not something just to pay the bills. Finally, I have chosen a life that I am going to be proud of living. 

So, I hope you can join me, in what a really hope will be a slightly more detail and consistent blog that this age has previously been. 

Here's hoping that this is the beginning of something wonderful, and not the beginning of a new beginning. 


Wednesday, 2 July 2014

042: I Bought Peace on the Side of the Road

Last week, while walking through the streets of Melbourne, I was approached by a monk selling prayer beads. The friend I was with instantly brushed him aside, but I paused, took the beads and gave a small donation for a life time of peace and prosperity.

When I returned to my friend he gave me a disgruntled look, suggested that had been hoodwinked and apologised for not warning me that they might ask for money. But I gave him a disgruntled look in return told him he had no part to play in my decision to donate to a cause.

The beads I bought are nothing special, round wooden beads with a Chinese character printed on one, and as far as I can tell, are no different to any other beaded bracelet I own. However, there is something, now I think about it, that makes them unique.

And no, they are not impregnated with liquid luck or powdered peace.

The beads make me think.

For the first time today, I pulled these beads out of my dresser and decided to wear them. And in that decision I remembered the monk and his promise for peace. The man I had met, who is not nothing more than a memory of yellow robes and a bag full of bracelets followed me around all day. Whenever I paused to fidget with beads, or they knocked together, I remembered him. Somehow the peace he had promised me was coming, regardless of the amount that I paid for them, and it was my awareness brought me peace.

I have been doing a lot of reading on the importance of contentment  and these peace beads were just another reminder to focus on the present. In my uneducated opinion, peace is loss of worry and stress, of forgetting the past and accepting the future. Of all the things I wish for in life, I wish for peace. It is too easy to wish for wealth or for love - but even with those two examples, I don't think anything in my life has caused me as much stress  as the importance of working of money or the long awaited for 'other' that is bound to come into my life soon. I am a natural worrier, and although one day I very much wish to be contently financial and happy knowing someone loves me, I think I would use my wish to stop stressing about them quite so much and allow myself to live the life that I am making for myself.

So today, by simply having something strapped around my wrist, I had a constant reminder to focus on the Now of my life, to focus on the important things and accept the world around me. My friend was right in being sceptical, the monk was gathering money for his cause, and not everyone would have had a moment of enlightenment like mine. But I think that if my small donation brought a little funding into a small community that needed it, and a little peace in my life where I didn't realise I needed it, surely that is five dollars well spend.

Kathleen x `

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

041: The Many Tears Shed Thanks to John Green - Part Two

A couple of months ago I wrote about John Greens 'The Fault In Our Stars'  and last night I went to watch the film with my sister. As we walked into the cinema, the clerk tore our tickets, looked up and smirked.

"Cinema four girl, hope you brought your tissues"

Laura and I looked at each other. We knew we were domed.

FYI this is not my pic 

I cry really easily in movies. An emotional milk ad could make me tear up, so I had forgone mascara for the occasion and deliberately gone to the latest screening to hide our teary eyes, better safe than sorry, right?

There were so, so many tears.

If you don't know the story, or every the name, you have probably been using the Internet wrong for about a year, and if you haven't read it or seen the film, I will try my best to avoid spoilers (but if you haven't already guess, the ending isn't the sunshine and rainbows you are hoping for)

I thought the film was beautifully done. it captured the essence of the book. The essence of this book, I think was salted caramel. Something that could be sickly sweet if it weren't for the sharp edge to it. The salt in the film (and the book) is the sassy wit and bitter attempt at reality. The sarcasm that flows between all the characters is what helps take what is ultimately a seriously depressing tale into a funny, sad story.

I doubt that there will be many fans that are disappointed (there are always some, but we can just ignore them) but I will most certainly go through the tears to watch it agian.

  Kathleen x

Friday, 23 May 2014

040: Empting out the empties

Part of my list was to try and use up my beauty products. And I tried real hard this last month and now, I have a few empties. These empties however, are the special ones, the ones I'm going to have to buy again because my hair/skin/body loved them.
Firstly, Bump Eraser Lotion. This cream is an absolute gem. For years I have been trying to find something that can actually make a difference with my stubborn ingrown hairs. Not only did they disappear but it also reduced the amount of hair actually growing. And, it's less than $15 if you know where to shop.So many wins!

Then, I finished my iron tablets. As someone with pretty low iron, I think this is a little achievement, because  I always forget to take them. My healthcare professional will be thrilled.

I was using Dr Lewinns Medic Oil Control Night Lotion when my skin was playing up real bad and after only a couple of weeks it cleared it right up, and helped with a little of the scarring the previous outbreaks left behind.

I've started to become aware of the things I put in and on my body, so housemate and I started looking into some organic alternatives to the usual products. I had used Organic Care before, but it wasn't until I did a little research did I find out that not only is it entirely organic, vegan friendly, sustainable and free from the nasties in most other products, it also smells amazing and costs around $4 a bottle. Naturally, I am in love.

In the same idea as the finding ethical and natural products I recently started to wear Nude By Nature and I love it. My skins loves it too. I only got the starter pack to begin with my am now needing to invest in full size portions.

And very sadly I just finished my favourite perfume. My sister game me Red Jeans by Versace two years ago, and it was the only perfume I took with me to England. I'm not going to throw the bottle out though, one wiff and it takes me to the other side of the world.

Although it is not many, I'm beginning to see some space in the back of my cabinet. Slowly getting there.

  Kathleen x

Friday, 16 May 2014

039: The Best Uses for Coconut Oil (that doesn't involve eating it)

Over the past year I have been trying to cut down how many bathroom products I really need. I always seem to have at least a dozen different bottles half full cluttering up the small space that I have, so I get really excited when I find something that can double up and be used for something other than its intended purpose. (conditioner as shaving cream! Bronzer for eye shadow! Hairspray as make up setter! [I don't think this is condoned in the industry, but it works]) so you can imagine my excitement when I discovered the joys of coconut oil and all the wonderful things it does.

So, dear coconut oil, how much do I love thee, let me count the ways

1. Moisturiser - This was how I was introduced to the oil. A little scoop and my skin is left feeling silky smooth, it makes an excellent night cream and an all over body lotion (if you are willing to let yourself air a little before getting dressed)

2. Make up remover - I don't wear heavy make up, so one little scoop also is able to wipe off most of my face at the same time. And I'm left moisturised. Night routine has been reduced to one step, one product. Win.

3. Lip Balm - for when I've got really chapped lips, just whack it on

4. In the bath - I good spoon full - let it melt away and let yourself slip off into a tropical haven in your own bathroom.

5. Shaving Cream - I doubt you would have ever had such a silky smooth shave before using coconut oil (or maybe you have, I did confess just before I'd been using conditioner for most of my adult life) but it moisturises at the same time, so bonus lovely-ness

6. Hair Treatment - Lather the stuff through dry hair and let it sit for a couple of hours or over night (don't sleep on your good pillow cases though) and rise out in the morning for glossy hair. If you have naturally oily hair you might need a couple of washes to get all the oil out. And if you have very thick hair (like me) I suggest melting the oil down first to make it stretch further.

7. Foot Treatment: Rub this stuff all over your toes and wrap them up in socks for the night, silky feet, here we come.

8. Post Waxing Wipes: I never understood why they only ever gave you four Post Wax Wipes and 40 Wax strips, it baffles me. But rubbing a little oil on the remaining wax dissolves it straight away. No more sticky pins for me!

And this doesn't even begin to cover all the amazing health benefits that this little super food has to offer, which you can read about here, on an apparently scientific website  It is simply amazing. Do you have any products that you love to bits? Or have you got any other uses for my darling coconut oil? I would love to add them to my list.

  Kathleen x

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

038: Half Way There - Fifty/Fifty Challenge

As part of my "Things to do Next" List I decided to take part in the 50/50 Challenge: to read fifty book and watch fifty films in one year. The biggest catch, that I can't have seen or read them before. As it is coming up to the 1/4 way through, I thought I might recap how I'm going and how I hope to get to the goal of a hundred new texts by the end of the year.

As of today, I am 22/50 for movies and 14/50 for book. I say that this is no too bad. Nearly half way for films (plus I have two movie dates [with friends, don't get excited] in the coming fortnight so hopefully I hit my halfway soon). Books are a little harder. I am trying to make my way through the Game of Thrones series so it is taking longer than a couple of hours to finish a book. There was a disclaimer on the 50/50 home page that suggested that longer booked can count as two, ands but I'll see if I want to bend the rules come December.

So far, my favourites so far have been -
AustenLand (2013): A Jane Austen enthusiasts enrols in a Jane Austen experience. So rarely do I laugh out loud during a film, but this was hilarious. Jennifer Coolidge had me in stitches and JJ Feilds is a dream.

The Cuckoo's Calling Robert Galbraith (on goodreads) I liked this, I love JK's style and loved that it was in a different genre. I had thought for many years that she should write a mystery novel and my prayers had been answered. 

Saving Mr Banks (2013) I love Mary Poppins, I love Emma Thompson, I can tolerate Tom Hanks. I knew I would love this movies. It funny, beautiful and heart warming. 

Do you have any recommendations for what I should read or watch next? To see everything on my 50/50 list this year, check out my Pinerest Board.

  Kathleen x

Thursday, 3 April 2014

037: Mandatory Bag Search

 Through my hectic work behind the register, I get the chance to peer into many a different peoples wallets, purses and bags. ( I'm curious , not a kleptomaniac) I always find it insightful to see what a person chooses to carry around with them, and the things we think we couldn't go without.My bag is a strange and magical places, where all things once lost tend to reappear, and the jumble of things i need readily accessible.

So I thought I might share with you today, the content of my bag.

1. Sunglasses: Apparently, those people with fair skin are more likely to find glare when our less pasty companions don't. I couldn't leave the house without these without fear of driving into a pond.
2. My wallet - I found this little fellow in Scottland and fell in love straight away. Although, me being me didn't buy it because 30pounds is a lot money to a poor traveller. But when I found, by some twist of fate in the duty free of Glasgow airport, I knew this little man was coming home with me.
3. Moisturiser: This is one of the rotating tubes in my bag, but I feel naked without. I love this Swisse Moisturiser, because it doesn't have any of the nasties or the perfume that makes my skin feel less than beautiful.
4. Note book, pens, take away musings - I almost always have a docket from work scrunched up in my bag - with any idea that strikes me when I'm working, because inspiration always strikes at the wrong time.
5. Key, because, I like unlocking things
6. Salsa cards - I have had way too much Mexican this month, and I blame these coupons, but who doesn't love a free upgrade for lunch.
7. Prime example of something stuffed in my bag - a sample of Jerico Body Butter, lucky me.
8. Lip Balm: this little tube of  Burts Bee's Beeswax Lip Balm had so much love, that the label is now long gone. It's so moisturising and has a minty freshness that leaves my lips tingling.
9. Green Aids; A friend at work were selling these, and as they were for a good cause, I had to buy some. Green Band Aids that would help fund a better life for children in third world countries.
10. Lipstick: Rimmel London, Lasing Finish in Heart Breaker This was another find from overseas. I bought it because a) I wanted a red lipstick and b) its called heart breaker and I was feeling ambitious
The is also a cork there, because I think corks are beautiful and one day I'm going to do something with all the ones I have acquired from work.

So, thats the contents of my bag, and a little insight into the contents of my heart. What's in your bag right now? What sort of things to you seem to carry around with you, whether intentional or not. Let me know, I'd love to hear

  Kathleen x

Friday, 28 March 2014

036: Adventures In: Meditating

I would like to say that I am a relativity calm person (when I'm not driving that is) but I never really got into the habit of meditating. I used to do it at school - when our teachers decided that instead of PE we could lay on the gym floor and try to focus on every part of our bodies.

However, since finishing school I have never really had the time to stop and on how my third toe was feeling. Which is quite a shame because that was when I needed it the most (not only my third toe, but the rest of my body as well.) Today however, I decided that it might be the time when I stop and refocus on myself for a while.

To help me with my reconnection I downloaded the Smiling Mind Ap. I always found it difficult to focus on my own, so I liked the idea of having a voice to guide me through the meditating.

Aimed at children, teenagers and young adults, Smiling Mind a tool for the modern age, aiding people in finding a sense of calm, clarity and contentment. I think the program I started in was for beginners, as I quickly fell into the deep stupor of peace and calm, while the program was telling me to focus on my breathing.

I love having something progress my development, telling you exactly how long you have meditated for and what 'level' you are at, but that is merely a bonus to how I was feeling when I returned to the 'real' world once I had completed my daily session plus a little extra, just because I was feeling good.

Next time I will opt out for the music playing in the background and go for a longer session, and although I didn't expect to see a grand difference straight away, I hope to build it into my daily habits and start to feel the difference.

What about you? Do you meditate? Do you have something that helps you get into the zone? I'd love to know

  Kathleen x

Thursday, 6 March 2014

035: What I'm Listening to This Week

I thought I might share with you this week a few of the songs that I've fallen in love with.

1. Andy  Grammer - The Pocket

 This song is part of my cleaning playlist, because I need something to grove along to when I'm cleaning. 

2. She & Him - In The Sun

Zooey Deschanel is one of my favourite actresses, I love her energy and attitude, so when I found her band and album I gobbled it up straight away. All of the songs are beautiful, I particularly love her voice its so unique. In The Sun is one of my favourites - plus the film clip is adorable.

3. Sara Bareilles - Many The Miles

This is my go to driving song, particularly if I am driving to see someone I've been missing. So fun to belt out to the steering wheel.

4. Sara Bareilles - Fairytale

I couldn't just have one Sara Bareilles song on my list! I love the lyrics to this one I love her sass, plus another cute clip, what's not to love?

5. Betty Who - Somebody Loves You

I first heard this when I was driving home from a fairly awful day, it was just what I needed to re-vamp my mood and put a smile back on my face. And she's Australia, yay for the Aussies!

What do you think of my favoruites this week? Have you got something that's been playing on repeat for a while now? Love to know

  Kathleen x

Sunday, 23 February 2014

034: My Accident Prone Life

Last week, I was in a car crash. Not even, I was in a slight bingle with another vehicle. I was driving one of my house mates home from the shops, we had stocked up on food, wine and we planning on celebrating finalising the move. We were laughing, she was crumping and the traffic was stop start, stop start all along a busy main road.And due to my slow reaction time, hit the car in front of me.

I am the first person to admit that I am not the greatest driver. I am easily distracted, have a slight lead foot and I'm thinking of introducing a complementary sports bra to my passengers. This incident was just another moment of proof why people look at me, my car and question the sanity of the person who issued my licence. And while I take full responsibility of my action behind the wheel, I am so often surprised by the actions of others.

The woman driving the vehicle in front, leapt out of her car within seconds of hearing that awful crunch (regardless of the traffic passing on either side of us) to yell at me through my half open window, questioning my sanity, my eye sight and my driving ability. After we moved to the side of the road and inspected both of the cars (mine a little beat up from a previous encounter with a pole and an itty-bitty scratch next to her number plate) Muttering and fuming, she took my insurance details, and acknowledging that it was not as significant as she thought, said she would let me off with a warning, that I should be more cautious when driving around "prestige cars"* and drove off in a huff.

This morning, I received a call from her insurance company, letting me know she had filed a claim against me. A fee of $1600 was payable. Yes, you read right, Sixteen hundred dollar for a little scratch on the back of her car.

I am not a wealthy woman. I don't have a European car. And I sure as hell don't have a spare $1600 stuffed beneath my mattress. According to her insurance company, my whole car - plus insurance -  is worth the same amount as her bumper bar, and that is the most expensive thing I own. If someone was to drive over my car with a monster truck, I would be lucky to get a grand. Safe to say I did laugh when I heard the quote.

I would count my life a success if I was not never find myself in her situation, trying to wrestle money out of strangers for my own peace of mind. She was not asking for money because she was inconvenienced, because she needed to get a new car or organise a new road worthy, but simply because the car didn't look brand new any more.

Most of the things I own are second hand, some third- or fourth-hand, and yes, I can value them. Yes, I would be disappointed if my house burnt down tomorrow but not because my iPhone is in there, or my pretty shoes. But because my house burnt down. The things I value most in the world look like rubbish to other people. The shoe box of notebooks and scrap paper beneath my bed that contain all my musings from my adolescence, the bundle of letters tired up with a ribbon, my grandmothers necklace I was given when  turned eighteen. But no amount of insurance would be able to replace these things. But they would be the first things I grab.

I do not want my life to be remembered as a collection of material purchases, of shiny cars and sparkly toys. Sitting bitterly in my old age, the sum of my life  shown in money and prestige. (and although I'm not saying she is going to be, I just sincerely hope she has something more in her life than just that car) I want memories, I want laughter, I want someone crumping in my passenger seat. I want an accident prone life. And if that means I will never have a prestige car, well I think I would be able to mange.

  Kathleen x

*I don't know much about cars, but fairly sure that just 'cause it was made overseas doesn't mean your driving a Ferrari

Saturday, 15 February 2014

032: At Least Someone Loves Me....

I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. It may have something to do with the fact for the last twenty odd  I have been determinedly single and the day normally comes and goes in a blurr of others complaining about being single or happy couples blissfully doting on their significant other.

I woke up this morning, and found myself remembering back to Valentines Day last year, when I was only a few months in to the greatest year of my life. And I laugh to think that I was already ear deep in "boy trouble."

I don't really understand casual dating, and I was beginning to experience it for the first time while I was overseas. I had met a boy, literally within days of landing and worked out we could have a half decent conversation. At first we started sharing a few drinks, and before long, we were sharing a bed.

I knew what I was supposed to be doing, acting all casual and cool and unattached and casual. I tried that, but I was having a hard time getting ideas of long distance relationships and visa applications from lingering as an after thought.

I thought for the first time I was going to have a proper Valentines Day and was ecstatic to a point of ridiculous when he suggested we get a bite together for lunch. I spend way too long picking out what I was going to wear that morning and actually bothered to put mascara on,even battled with some eye liner. So I could waltz in to the cafe, looking cool and casual and unattached but looking smokin' hot.

But I didn't.

I got so lost, walked past the cafe three times, called him for directions twice and ended up stumbling in three quaters of an hour later, wiping sweat of my brow to find that the romantic, intimate lunch I had envisaged to actually  be a gathering of all the people I had met a few days after landing.  

Safe to say my dreams of duel citizen-ship were dashed there and then.

This year however was ever so slightly better.  I was fortunate/ unfortunate enough to be working all day  and all night, surrounded by happy couple, oogling glances and public displays of affection. Upon returning home I was very surprised to find a package waiting for me. Thinking that my secret admirer had finally found me, I ripped the packet open to find this little beauty.

Yep... this V day I got Harry Styles delivered to my door. Not going to complain in the slightest (although next time, a 3D breathing version would be preferable). I consider him to be a vast improvement from last year.

How was everyone else's Valentines Day? Did anyone get some surprises? Was it better than my last two? Have you had worse? I'd love to swap stories.

  Kathleen x

Monday, 20 January 2014

031: So, something I don't like thinking about.

It really awful (depending on your answer) but... remember what you were doing this time last year?

I do. I was getting off a plane into the blizzardy London streets, with my recently broken suitcase in hand and had never been more excited in my life.

Its strange to think that so little time has passed, and yet so much has happened and so much has changed. Those six short months changed almost every aspect of my person, my attitude and my perception of the world. I was able to cram so much experience and life into my time over seas that I can't imagine doing half as much in this year. And yet, I know it is possible, because I have done it.

Some days, just going back over the memories can be painful, sometimes I laugh until I cry and then laugh again. Sometimes doing a simple day to day activity - like tipping a waiter will make me remember the time my house mates filled out a paper pick up for me to give to the waiter in London. Or when I went down the wrong corridor and tried to get into someone elses room. Little things that remind me that my time in England was the best in my life. And I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

  Kathleen x

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

030: "Heaven's Got a Plan for You"

 Today was a good day.

It started with coffee, and every good day begins with coffee. I then had the pleasure of going to inspect a new house. I hadn't really thought about moving, I was in love with my little uni that has been my sanctuary for the past three years  But when my housemate mentioned she was going to move in with some friends, and wondered if I wanted to come,I jumped on the opportunity. I've lived with a group before - and now that I've seen the beautiful house, I have a feeling that it is not going to be so hard.

On the drive home, my happy song was playing.

Then I went for coffee with a boy. (I know - this is strange) I did freak out for almost an hour before hand, changed clothes about twelve times and had to constantly reassure myself that he was going to murder me.

But I met him, (he didn't murder me, yay) and we had a very civilised coffee (it also included lunch, I had a pie and he had eggs) and we spoke of a shared affection for Disney movies and it was surprisingly not awkward. When we parted ways, he said we should do it all again some time.

On the drive home, my happy song was playing.

Today was a good day.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

029: Wanna hear a secret...?

I bet you do. And its a good one.

        I hope.

In a rather rash decision to avoid the lull left by my house mate, who abandoned me to go feed turtles in Costa Rica, I joined an online dating site. So much panic! After an evening scrolling through possible matches I finally started up a conversation with a few curious menfolk. And apparently, this big bad world of dating might not be so scary after all.

(although let me get back to you after a couple of dates)

  Kathleen x